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Parish map

Everywhere means something to someone. You don’t have to own it, or even see it everyday, for a place, and its stories to be important to you. The combination of commonplace histories and ordinary nature makes places what they are. Things do not have to be spectacular, rare or endangered for people to value them and want them about their everyday lives.

For visitors, a Parish Map offers a new way of looking at a place, and shows a glimpse of the vibrant life behind the obvious.

Whether you live in a town, a city or in the country, there are some things around you which are part of your daily round. Perhaps there are buildings which seem ‘at home’ in the landscape because they reflect the lives of the people who lived in the area before you - a mill, a line of houses, a quay or railway station; perhaps you enjoy a walk along lanes lined with primroses in spring, through water meadows or wild fells grazed by sheep; your walk may take you between the ducks on the canal and red brick warehouses, or through the sounds and smells of the street market to school. Wherever you are, it is the detail and overlays which have meaning to you and which give your area its own local distinctiveness.

Making a Parish Map can help people to come together to chart the things that they value locally, to make their voice heard amongst professionals and developers, to inform and assert their need for nature and culture on their own terms, and to begin to take action and some control in shaping the future of their place.

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